
Sunday, 25 January 2009


B. ED PJ is wishing Happy Chinese New Year especially to Cg. David...

Send this eCard !

Collection From

Wednesday, 21 January 2009



Majlis pembubaran Ahli Jawatankuasa Tertinggi Kelab Pendidikan Jasmani 2008-2009 telah dijalankan dengan sempurna dan selamat pada 21 Januari 2009 dan Ahli Jawatankuasa Tertinggi Kelab Pendidikan Jasmani 2009-2010 telah pun dilantik untuk menerajui Kelab Pendidikan Jasmani.

Terima kasih diucapkan kepada semua Ahli Jawatankuasa Tertinggi Kelab Pendidikan Jasmani 2008-2009 kerana telah memberikan khidmat dan sumbangan yang cemerlang sebelum ini. Ianya akan memberi semangat kepada Ahli Jawatankuasa yang baru dilantik untuk meneruskan perjuangan yang abiskita telah buat. Sesungguhnya apa yang biskita sumbangkan adalah sangat bermakna bagi kemajuan Kelab Pendidikan Jasmani.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009


Salam guys.. click on the icon to get a free IQ test.. d score below is mine :))

IQ Test - IQ Test

Try it!!!!



Majlis tersebut di atas akan diadakan pada 21 Januari 2009, Rabu Jam 1.40 petang bertempat di Asrama Lelaki, Universiti Brunei Darussalam..

Sehubungan dengan itu, semua Mahasiswa dan Mahasiswi Pendidikan Jasmani dikehendaki hadir sebagaimana yang telah ditetapkan.

Sekian. Harap Maklum.

Monday, 19 January 2009

Call To Curb Plagiarism In Schools

BY Hana Roslan

Bandar Seri Begawan - Some teachers have called on schools to implement harsher penalties to students who plagiarise, or taking information without referencing from someone else's writing or speech.

A 27-year-old female teacher, who is teaching Years 10 and 11, said that introducing stricter rules for plagiarism would he good, especially with the implementation of the new education system (SPN21).

Plagiarism would be a big issue for Years seven and eight students as there will be a lot of class projects to be done. "If the students are just going to copy from the Internet or encyclopaedias, then they won't be able to learn anything," she said.

Using the importance of recycling or saving habits as a metaphor, the teacher stressed that students should also understand the importance
of respecting another person's work. "I don't think the students would like it when another person copies their work," she said.

With increasing pressure to perform better in the new education system, she said that even parents work together with their children to plagiarise.

"Parents really want their children to score well, so in order to help them, they might surf the Internet for them and their kids just copy and paste," she said.

She added: "Parents can help their kids to the research, but tell them not to copy. Help them learn to get the main ideas and put them in words."

Calling herself a "self-proclaimed Internet freak", she said that she knows when her students are copying.

"Sometimes I give them a description and tell them to draw it for me. But all they do is just get it off the Internet and it's just really obvious," she said.

Another female teacher, who did not want to be named, said that plagiarism occurs regularly in her school.

"It happened last year to one of my colleagues, where a student just cut and pasted everything from the Internet and another case when students were just copying each other's work in front of my eyes," she said.

"Even when I send them to the principal's office, there just isn't any harsh rule about it because they don't think plagiarism is a big issue. The truth is that it actually is," she added.

Having met parents during the parent-teacher meetings, she observed that parents hardly take

a strong stance in the matters of their children duplicating others' work.

"All they say is stop copying and there are no strict punishments given at all," she said.

Sajeedah Rosman, 22, a Year seven teacher, said that plagiarism should be taken as an offence in all schools. "It should be stricter in schools because it's not the students' original work, it's all just blatant copying and that is just wrong. What happened to the ideas of the students?," she questioned.

Placing blame on the parents is not the answer, she said.

Even if schools impose harsher rules, Sajeedah said that there will always be a loophole for students to continue their habits. "The only thing that's left to do is to remind them of the importance of respecting another person's work and for parents to build up on their child's conscience in reminding them that plagiarising is wrong," she said.

She also proposed that teachers encourage their students to use a bibliography. "When they get to university, they will be practicing this anyway so why don't start now? Referencing work can be a surefire way of helping curb this problem of plagiarism," she said. -- Courtesy of The Brunei Times

Retrieved from : on 19 January 2009

p/s :- Guys.... this can also be an issue for our presentation on PF1219 Course.. :))

Sunday, 18 January 2009


Salam B. Ed PJ'ians.. Please check ur email.. Our PF 1219 lecturer has attached Notes for Lecture on 19 January 2009.. TQ

Friday, 16 January 2009


Salam to B. Ed Pj'ians... juz to share info dat our blog has been listed to Brunei Blogging Nation :))

Click to the link BLOGGING NATION to see more of Brunei's own Blog... Tq


Student Affairs Section is pleased to announce that the Laboratory Services Unit, Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha Hospital, Ministry of Health will be organising a BLOOD DONATION DRIVE in our campus on TUESDAY, 20th JANUARY 2009, 9.00 to 12.00 noon at CHANCELLOR HALL, UBD.

All student and staff are welcomed to give a hand to this drive for a noble cause and become a blood donor.

Retrieved from : Date : 16 January 2009

p/s :- to all B. Ed. PJ and SMP PJ Year 1.. please come to support and donate our blood to those in needs.. who knows one day we will need it too :)) tqvm..

Thursday, 15 January 2009

UBD Set To Be First-Class College

By Sonia K

Bandar Seri Begawan - Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) will be setting up a new unit and establish a new institute to drive the change the university needs to become a first-class international college.

This was said by UBD Vice Chancellor Dr Haji Zulkarnain bin Haji Hanafi during his address to the academic staff of the university on Monday during the opening of the new semester.

The unit, he said, will be responsible for the continuous professional development of all UBD staff.

The Senate has also approved the establishment of the Institute of Leadership, Innovation and Advancement, he said.

Dr Haji Zulkarnain also emphasised on the need to develop a culture that constantly strives for excellence, adding that the changes will ensure
that UBD stays relevant.

"We should not be afraid to be self-critical," he said. "We must be willing to audit ourselves as an organisation, faculty and individual, and to continuously scan for gaps, hazards or opportunities if we are to achieve our vision of becoming a first-class international university."

He vowed to commit to the development of newly appointed deans and directors, who began on January 1, through a continuous professional development programme.

"In return, I expect them to make the development of colleagues, students and their respective faculties as their key deliverable," he said, adding that he also expected them "to propagate a culture of leadership and continuously excel themselves as core values of individuals in the university".

The vice chancellor noted that the chancellery will commit to bringing positive changes to the UBD administration, adding that such an initiative will require knowledgeable and talented team.

To be a first-class international university, he said, UBD will need a first-class administrative system and executives.

"It needs to be rigorous and yet adoptable and facilitative," he said. "We will make sure that our administrative executives will also undergo continuous professional development through programmes."

Dr Haji Zulkarnain said UBD will this year be implementing a number of projects in its bid to upgrade its infrastructure.

"Funding has been made available through the National Development Plan and the projects are expected to be completed between now and 2012."

The upgrades will include the ICT network and the expansion of internet bandwidth; teaching and learning areas, as well as the construction of new teaching and learning sites; extension works on a number of existing buildings as well as the setting up of a central science research facility; refurbishment of the library; and the construction of a swimming pool.

He also said, "The UBD Strategic Plan has identified `strengthening of research profile' as one of the objectives to meet our vision.

"Institutionalising research for students and academicians, by integrating teaching and learning, creates a culture of inquisitiveness and resourcefulness," he added.

The vice chancellor called for collaborative and cross-disciplinary research to "enable us to develop a talent pool, which can be tapped by our stakeholders for the benefit of the community".

Last year, he said, everyone saw a strong commitwent from His Majesty's Government in supporting research in energy, biodiversity and agrotechnology.

"This is the first time - and hopefully not the last -that our researchers have access to bid competitively for substantial research funding," he said. "I understand that the selection process is in its final stages, and I look forward to UBD research teams being awarded a fair share of the funding."

Dr Haji Zulkarnain also proposed a substantial increase in UBD's budget allocation to support research in disciplines other than science and technology.

In the meantime, he said, alternative sources of funding are sought for research, adding that announcements will be made from time to time regarding the availability of such funding so that appropriate bid can be made. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

Extracted from :



Salam to PJ'ians 08/11.. our class for major PJ subjects are as follows:

1. Badminton (Wednesday 8.00 am to 11.00 am)

2. Kaedah Pengajaran Pendidikan Jasmani & Kesihatan (Wednesday - 11.00 am to 2.00 pm)

3. Kecergasan (Tuesday - 2.00 to 5.00 pm)

Venues : Gymnasium UBD

Saturday, 10 January 2009


Salam guys.. 12 Jan 2009.. our first day of 2nd Semester.. Meeting point is CLT 7.45 am and wear our Official PJ Year 1 (Sport attire).. Welcome back to UBD :))

Thursday, 8 January 2009


Salam guys.. tahniah kepada tani semua yang telah lulus untuk peperiksaan semester 1 kitani.. diharap keputusan ani akan menjadi pemangkin semangat untuk meneruskan perjuangan dalam pembelajaran untuk semester seterusnya.. Segala usaha kitani telah membuahkan hasil n perlu diingat ada 5 semester lagi yang mendatang..

Tahniah sekali lagi... Jumpa 12 Jan 2009 di CLT UBD.. Jam 8.00 pagi.. Insya Allah

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Proud Parents Express Their Delight

By James Kon

Bandar Seri Begawan - A total of 343 students will begin their Year Seven education at the Science College this year and parents of the new intakes have expressed delight at their children's achievement of gaining a place in the prestigious college.

Hj Shahri Pehin Hj Husein and Pg Fatimah Pg Ahmad said, "I am very happy that my daughter managed to enter the college after achieving good results last year."
He added that his other daughter is also studying at the Science College. The two siblings are Nurulizzatul Ningshah and Nurul Syzany Izzaty N ingshah.

Hj Shahri highlighted that "the secret behind his daughters' achievements come from balanced time management - there is a time to relax and a time to study".

He added, "Our advice and guidance were also vital for our daughters' developments."
His hope for both his daughters is to achieve better grades to further their studies in university.

Meanwhile, Pg Mohamad PDP Hj Jaludin and Julia Laila Chen also expressed their delight at what they consider a privilege.

Their daughter, Dk Aminah Pg Mohamad, achieved five A's in last year's public exams. According to Julia Laila Chen, "Our guidance played an important part in our child's achievements. She also worked very hard and was rewarded with success." -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

Retrieved :

ps : one of the proudest parents is Cg Hj. Azreem and his wife Cg. Rokiah... Congratulations Cg..


Sukacita memaklumkan bahawa Universiti Brunei Darussalam akan menganjurkan Majlis Sambutan Awal Tahun Hijrah pada 10 Muharram 1430/ 7 Januari 2009, 2.00 petang bertempat Bilik Kuliah (Lecture Theatre), Dewan Canselor,Universiti Brunei Darussalam.

Sehubungan dengan itu semua warga Universiti Brunei Darussalam adalah dijemput untuk sama- sama hadir ke majlis berkenaan. Semoga kita sama- sama akan memperoleh ilmu yang bermanfaat dari majlis itu nanti. Insya ALLAH.

Retrieved from 6 January 2009

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Mixed Feelings About SPN21

By Amin Hosni

Bandar Seri Begawan - The National Education System for the 21st Century (SPN21) implemented this year by the Ministry of Education to upgrade students with 21st Century skills has captured the nation's imagination on its potential to "renew" outdated systems in the Sultanate.

In a titah to mark Teachers' Day two years ago, His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam welcomed the new education system as it is "an appropriate step especially in an era of globalisation".

However, the Bulletin has learnt that there are some members in the community who have reservations about this ambitious plan.

Concerned members of the public, including teachers, who were approached by the Bulletin, believe that implementing the SPN21 will be a "difficult task" especially for Primary One and Primary Four teachers.

Ms Anie, a Primary Five math teacher of a primary school in Kampong Ayer, said that she does not fully understand what the SPN21 is all about even though the national education system was being rolled out this year.

"I have not been informed about the changes of (the old education system)," the 29-year-old teacher said, adding that she strongly believes that teachers at her school were "not qualified" as they "have no knowledge" about some of the new subjects, such as music and technology.

Ms Anie is also concerned that her school, which currently has "sufficient number of computers", could run into problems because there are not enough projectors.

If more than one class needs to use the projectors, this could "result in setbacks or delays in teaching schedules", she lamented.

Meanwhile, a former primary school teacher at Lambak Kanan, who requested anonymity, said that the SPN21 was "structurally unclear" and that teachers in Brunei were "not ready for it".

"The new system is not just book oriented... it requires classes to go on field trips and such. Teachers are also required to follow a set of teaching methods. But how can they if they are unprepared?

"Some teachers have not attended these workshops while teachers appointed to educate children on these subjects lack experience. Furthermore, textbooks such as social studies have not been published," the teacher said.

The former primary teacher went on to say that concerned parents have been asking her if schools have teachers who are qualified to teach their children these new subjects.

Fauzana Daud, a secondary teacher of a school in the capital, pointed out one downside of the SPN21. According to her, students will not have to repeat the academic year if they fail certain subjects. Some students may be less like to study hard because they are confident that they would be promoted no matter what, she said.

"Back in the 1990s, 'our generation' would be afraid to get red ink on their report cards. But these days, it's like a trend for students to get red marks. But who's to blame? The teachers or the students?"

The Bulletin has learnt that the full implementation of the SPN 21 for all primary classes would be completed in 2011. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

Retrieved from

SPN21 Launched Nationwide

By Malek Hashim

Bandar Seri Begawan - The National Education System for the 21st Century (SPN21) yesterday was officially launched at every school and institution in the Sultanate.
To officially launch the SPN21, the Ministry of Education held a ceremony at Rimba 1 Primary School.

Present as the guest of honour at the event was the Minister of Education Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Lela Dato Seri Setia Awg Hj Abdul Rahman bin Dato Setia Awg Hj Mohamed Taib.

Also in attendance were 400 educators from various schools and institutions.

The ceremony began with the recital of alQuran, followed by a speech by the guest of honour.

The event also saw the launching of SPN21 and the presentation of SPN21 information-books to representatives from various government and private schools and institutions by the minister.

The books, among others, contain the concepts of SPN21 and the general master plans relating to SPN21.

The minister also toured and observed a number of classes at Rimba 1 Primary School.

The ceremony was aimed to be the platform to implement and spread the awareness of SPN 21, one of the national social and economic development agendas that must be upheld by every community member. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

Retrieved from

UBD Students Visit Malaysian Sporting Establishments

By Ben Ng

Bandar Seri Begawan - A group of undergraduates from Universiti Brunei Darussalam left for Kuala Lumpur yesterday on a four-day excursion to visit the National Sporting Council and the Bukit Jalil Stadium.

The visit was called "Menjejak Maklumat" and is being led by Cikgu Zufri Hj Hassan and Cikgu Wan Faizah Mustami. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

Retrieved from

Malaysia Badminton Team Training

Doubles Attacking System

Badminton Tutorial Footwork


Salam guys and Gd Day... our next game is on 8th January 2009 (thursday) 8.30 am as usual UBD Gym...

Btw..our blog is viewed from Jakarta also.. :)) Thanx to d traffic feed.. we can know from which part of the world are viewing our blog hahaha.. dats technology..

Is dat u David? from Sungai Liang? hehe.. Neway.. thanx to all who supports dis blog..

Monday, 5 January 2009


Salam guys and PJ'ians.. i've added links to its a very useful website for runners from beginners to advance level.. it includes running schedule too.. enjoy it.. :))

Saturday, 3 January 2009


Salam guys.. our 2nd semester draft timetable is out.. go to for updates.. thanx


Guys.. our next game is on Tuesday 6 Jan 2009, 8.00 to 10.00 am.. UBD Gym..

Thursday, 1 January 2009


Salam PJ'ians...esp B. Ed PJ 01/11

Dengan penuh hormat disampaikan pesan dari Cg. Fadillah menjemput ke majlis tersebut di atas pada 9 Januari 2009 jam 2-3 petang bertempat di No. 45, Spg 120-48-35-27, STKRJ Kg. Mumong, Kuala Belait...

So guys.. ayuhh.. tani ramai2 datang sambil meramai-ramaikan majlis yang penuh dengan keberkatan..

*p/s : Tahniah to Cg. Fadillah kerana dapat baby baru.. (first new born).. semoga akan menjadi ayahanda yang baik :)))


Salam to all UBD PJ'ians..

Happy New Year Hijrah 1430, Happy New Year 2009 and Happy Chinese New Year (Year of Cow)... May the new year will bring prosperity to us.. , success in our studies, careers, families and so on.. :))


Salam PJ'ians.. our next Badminton Game is on 03.01.09, Saturday, 10.00 am at UBD Gym.. TQ...


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(Encontras) Tu Trouveras - Natasha St. Pierre e Miguel Bose